
About this blog:

This is a place to find resources, ideas, and links for a variety of first grade topics. Any document that is posted here is either my original work, or is linked directly to the source. Any resource created by me and posted to this blog is offered FREE of charge! Please link back to this blog as appropriate and properly credit work.

In my district we use the "Treasures" reading program (2011 National Edition) and the "Growing With Math" curriculum. Most (not all) of the resources posted here will be tied to those two programs.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Summer Reading List

Teaching Happily Ever After is having a blog hop for summer reading. I mentioned these three books in my to-do list post, but here they are again (with visuals!):

I think that's enough to keep me plenty busy (in addition to everything else on my to-do list!).

Summer To-Do List

Here are my summer to-do lists:


  1. Go through my Treasures weekly SMARTBoard Notebooks - reorganize and "clean," prep to share with teammates who will now also have SMARTBoards.
  2. Go through my Growing With Math topic SMARTBoard Notebooks - reorganize and "clean," prep to share with teammates who will now also have SMARTBoards.
  3. Prepare calendar notebooks for students.
  4. Prepare math journals for students (and learn more about using them for effective teaching).
  5. Finish reading The Daily 5 and work on ways to integrate the structure with Treasures.
  6. Read the giant Kagan Cooperative Learning book.
  7. Continue reading Debbie Diller's Math Work Stations and follow along for the book study blog party.
  8. Work on re-designing lesson plan binder sheets.
  9. Work on organizing in the classroom.
  10. Attend PD on Common Core at the end of June.
  1. Clean out and reorganize pantries (two), cupboards, and food storage.
  2. Work on garage.
  3. List hojillions of books on
  4. Walk with the husband - daily!
  5. Hike our favorite parks - weekly!
  6. Re-do photos that are hanging on our walls.
  7. Sew some throw-pillow covers.
  8. Make sure Niece is reading EVERY DAY so she doesn't back-slide going into third grade!
  9. Clean out closet and dresser drawers.
  10. Enjoy our wonderful patio and yard EVERY DAY!!!
There's lots more to read over at Littlest Learners - tons of linkies to other teachers' to-do lists!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Last day of school!

Teachers and staff (and the principal - she's on the far left) doing a kick-line, singing, and waving as the buses pull out on the last day of school. I'm in the middle of the line, three to the right of the big green guy. The buses honk and the kids scream - it's quite a scene! Thanks to my sister-in-law for snapping the pic on her phone. :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Math Work Stations

Today was the last day of school, and tonight... well, NERD ALERT! I started reading Debbie Diller's Math Work Stations book.  I'm really excited to follow along with the "hosted book study" blog party originating on Mrs. Willis's Kindergarten blog.  I'm part-way through chapter one, and already am bursting with excitement and ideas!